Calais: Squatters turn the table on authorities

16 Jan


In theory, there are laws which protect squatters in France, but these are shirked everyday in Calais. It is apparent that the police and the City do not feel that they have to respect the law when it comes to squats in Calais, both because of their racist politics and the fact so far they have not had any negative/legal consequences for the illegal evictions they have performed in the past.

Squatters, who occupied a house in Route de St. Omer, Calais last week and had been evicted illegally, decided to challenge the cop’s reckless behaviour, authorized by the prefect. He and representatives of OPH will have to face justice/retribution already on 22nd of January.

Would be great, a lot of you show up to support the people, who try to dissuade the cops from evicting squats in the future.

Court case will take place at 9 am, in Boulogne-sur-Mer. Regional court at Place de la Resistance.

See you there!

Donations are welcome and needed!

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